It’s a TOsketchfest small world In MK’s Living Room

MK Morris, Emily Ferrier and Lou Laurence

I could write about what my MK’s Living Room show is – a late-night sketch smorgasbord plus talk show. Or the aesthetic – comfy cozy Mr. Rogers, complete with baked goods from my mom. Or the incredible acts that I have booked (list incoming). 

But I would rather write about how I know all of the acts, including a couple of fun small-world connections. 

Lou Laurence – Lou is a sultry comedy songstress based in Montreal and is a fairly recent connection. We met last year at Toronto Sketchfest, mainly because we kept showing up to all the same things, and she’s just so cool that BOOM – instant best friends. We then continued our beautiful friendship journey a few weeks later at Newfoundland Sketchfest, which was in essence a party. I was SO excited when I saw that she was performing again at Toronto Sketchfest this year . . . that I just had to invite her to perform in my living room.

MK Morris and Nkasi Ogbonnah

Cheap Wine – This dynamic trio is Jack Creaghan, Jessika McQueen, and Charlotte Creaghan. Fun fact: Jesse and I went to high school together for a brief time (I’ll dig up the yearbooks)! We reconnected within the past few years because of TO Sketchfest – how beautiful is that? I feel like Cheap Wine and the Toronto Sketchfest are synonymous: they always bring not only a fresh new sketch show each year, but also an assuredly weird and wonderful short film to the Film Fest portion (nudge nudge – go to the TO Sketchfest Film Fest! I also have a short film in it this year!). I ended up in their living room at last year’s Sketchfest, so it just makes sense they would come to mine this year.

Nkasi Ogbonnah – Since it happened over a decade ago, I do not remember when I met Nkasi, or how we became friends . . . other than vaguely Second City. I DO know when we became good friends, and I became less intimidated by how epically, fiercely funny she is. It was the short form studio at Bad Dog Theatre: a blissful year of playing and developing short-form improv together. (It was a crazy stacked class, too, with some real powerhouses. You don’t know you’re in the good old days while you’re in them, you know?) I am stoked to have Nkasi stay with me for Newfoundland Sketchfest this year – and until then, you can catch her in my living room! 

Summer Dad (photo taken by MK Morris)

Red Hot Sili Peppers – I first encountered Julia Ettlinger, Emily Callahan, and Glenna Walters at Sketch To The Death last year, and I was instantly charmed. (It was also SUCH a blast from the past because Glenna starred in Netflix’s ‘Anne With An E’ when she was much younger – which was a show that I did a lot of daily AD work on, basically anytime they had a lot of minors on set.) Every time I’ve seen the Red Hot Sili Peppers perform since then has been such a delight – I can’t wait to see what they bring to my living room

Summer Dad – Absolutely wild that out of the countless members of this troupe (9), all of them are sweethearts (Taylor Hreljac, Chris Johnson, Chrissy Sharma, Jordan Shore, Ellie Goodman, Kait Stollery, David Hudon, Kevin Forster, Rachel Powell – yes, you! Sweethearts the lot of you!) We also partied at Newfoundland Sketchfest together, and before that, I feel that I’ve always known them – what is time? I guess probably a few years, no memory of how I met them but suddenly they were there, and my heart was glad. Chris Johnson and I do musical improv together with Staccayto Staccato, but there is also a shocking lack of small world connections (that we know of – let’s dig through those musical theatre camp photos!). Summer Dad always brings the fun, so you can guarantee this living room will be bumping! 

This is one talented living room. But more importantly, it’s a show full of absolute sweeties, and it makes my heart so full. Hope to see you there, at the Theatre Centre Incubator Space, March 13th at 11:00pm! 


MK’s Living Room

Thursday, March 13 at 11pm

The Theatre Centre – 1115 Queen St. W.

As part of Toronto Sketchfest’s 20th anniversary

Tickets here

© MK Morris, Sesaya Arts Magazine, 2025


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