Scott Sneddon
Arpita Ghosal
Welcome to our new website!
You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Wow, their timing sucks!”
In fact, this new site has been a malnourished side-project for more than a year. One tiny upside of the COVID-19 lockdown is the time it’s providing to do things – or in our case, to finish things – that keep getting put off. SesayArts.com is finally live.
Of course, that leads to an obvious question. In a world where in-person theatrical, musical and comedic performance is not happening, just what will SesayArts focus on? We’ve always been flexible: covering everything from festivals to performances to books, music and movies, with a special focus on guiding families of all ages towards arts programming that challenges them and helps them grow.
In the immediate term, the proportions of what we cover are going to shift, but that flexibility will continue. We’ll continue doing features and interviews with interesting local and international artists. We’ll probably push more into the space of movies, music, television and podcasts – works that you can experience for yourself while socially distanced at home. We’ll do some opinion pieces . . . for instance, Scott is a massive comic book fan. You may be hearing about that. We’ve also been talking about a SesayArts podcast . . . and guess what? There’s no time like the present for experimentation.
This is a time of great uncertainty, but it needn’t be a time of paralysis. We’re glass half-full people, so we’ll be using the unexpected downtime to do some old things in new ways . . . and do some entirely new things. You’ve probably got more time, too, so we hope you’ll take a look around, let us know your thoughts, and maybe even sign up for updates.
Thank you, and welcome.