Interview: Lily Chu’s new novel “The Takedown” is a rom-com with heart and substance
“I write escapist rom-coms but, like many of us, my characters struggle against the challenges presented by racism, sexism, and mental health issues.” ~ Lily Chu
“I write escapist rom-coms but, like many of us, my characters struggle against the challenges presented by racism, sexism, and mental health issues.” ~ Lily Chu
“This one, as you said, is about the twists and turns.” ~ Stephanie Wrobel
“It was a joy to be able to express some of the things I had seen and experienced in a playful way (like the very smelly sea lion herd, for instance) in this book.” Interview with Caroline Woodward
“Instead of mourning what had been, we chose to live fully in the moment.” Interview with Michelle Wang
“Women are still preyed upon more than men, and so I wanted to write a book that highlights the gaps and imbalances that still exist…” Interview with Roz Nay
“We hope that Khadija’s story allows children to maintain that curiosity throughout their life…”
“I’ve really fallen in love with being able to write.” Interview with Charles Azulay
“As a storyteller, there’s something magical about taking an audience on a journey through words.” ~ Kesha Christie
“If I don’t feel strongly about something, then I won’t have the determination to write a hundred thousand words about it.” ~ Abir Mukherjee
Elizabeth Flock’s The Furies explores women’s “stories that live in the shadows” and “that people don’t often hear”.