It’s a TOsketchfest small world In MK’s Living Room
“This is one talented living room. But more importantly, it’s a show full of absolute sweeties, and it makes my heart so full.” ~ MK Morris
“This is one talented living room. But more importantly, it’s a show full of absolute sweeties, and it makes my heart so full.” ~ MK Morris
In this (pseudo-) interview, solo sketch comedian Dave Barclay explains the process he used to create his new show “Please Name your baby Dave Barclay.”
“I think we forget sometimes how much of our soul we can put into our work.” ~ Nkasi Ogbonnah
“When I realized he wasn’t going to help me navigate the process, it was upsetting and enraging—but also my writer-brain immediately registered the conflict.” ~ Rachel Cairns, Artist Perspective
“As a storyteller, there’s something magical about taking an audience on a journey through words.” ~ Kesha Christie